روايتی است از زير گلو تا پشت گردن که آيه هايش به خط نستعليق آمده اند. رنگ پريده از خواب های غمگين. شصت و يک سوره از تورات تنی.
بخش شعرها به عنوان "من را فرانسوی ببوس" عاشقانه هايى ست همراه با واکنش های سياسی و اجتماعی. شعرها سايه هايی هستند، افتاده روی قبرها با تابوت های آماده، رو به درخت های خشک شده ، رو به آدم های خشک شده ، رو به آهن های به کار رفته در تن. بغلشان رفت به آغوش، بغلشان کنيد. بغلشان کنيد.
و گزارش این علف بی رنگ به همراه تو این گونه ست
اگر این شب ست
اگر این نسیم به همراه تو نواده ی خوابالود هم
سیاهی ی تنها خود تویی
بهین شب تنها که خود می سازی و
آبها که در پای تو می خسبند
رنگ می گیرد. .
غلطید به پهلوی راست. مدتی همینطور بیحرکت ماند؛ خیره به نور ملایمی که از پنجره رو به کوچه میآمد. دستش را از زیر لحاف بیرون آورد و چراغ را خاموش کرد. شانههایش زیر لحاف تکانتکان میخورد
ناما جعفری، شاعر ایرانی، در مجموعهای با عنوان «تجمع در سلول انفرادی» کوشیده است تجربۀ پرورده و بالیده شدن اندیشه و عاطفۀ شاعران ایرانی را در برخورد به فرایافت پیکار مدنی نمایش دهد.
آدم به دوستی این موجودات عجیب، اما معصوم و صادق بیشتر میتواند اعتماد کند تا کسانی که پشت علاقهشان یک دنیا خودخواهی، منفعتطلبی و ریاکاری نهفته است.
من ترجیح میدهم در آن قلعه گوتیک با ادوارد دست قیچی زندگی کنم، از رولتهای گوشت سویینی تاد بخورم
هفت سال بعد، «کوبریک» فیلم تحسینبرانگیز «غلاف تمام فلزی» را درباره جنگ ویتنام بهتصویر کشید. آخرین فیلم این نابغه سینما در سال ۱۹۹۹ و با فاصله ۱۲ سال بعد از فیلم قبلی ساخته شد؛ «چشمان کاملا بسته» با بازی «تام کروز» و «نیکول کیدمن» که از جشنواره ونیز موفق به کسب جایزه شد.
۱۳۹۱ تیر ۶, سهشنبه
گزارش تصویری / سکس با کودکان در فاحشه خانه های بنگلادش
یک سری عکس غمانگیز از زندگی طاقت فرسای کودکان بنگلادشی که از فقر و ناچاری تبدیل به بردگان جنسی شده اند.در محله های فقیرنشین بنگلادشی کودکان تا سن ۱۷ خیلی طرفدار دارن و اکثر غربی ها فقط برای سکس با بچه ها می آیند
یک سری عکس غمانگیز از زندگی طاقت فرسای کودکان بنگلادشی که از فقر و ناچاری تبدیل به بردگان جنسی شده اند
در محله های فقیرنشین بنگلادشی کودکان تا سن ۱۷ خیلی طرفدار دارن و اکثر
غربی ها فقط برای سکس با بچه ها می ایند و در این میان مدوام این کودکان را میکنن.برای هر بار گاییده شدن پول ناچیزی کسب میکنن تا کودکانشان گرسنه نخوابن!
اکثر این کودکان از ۹ تا ۱۷-۱۸ سال مورد استفاده قرار میگیرن و صد در صد از
یکی حامله و بچه دار میشوند که این خود از قیمت فاحشه میکاهد و در اخر از
شدت بدبختی و نداری کودکان خود را به فاحشه خانه میفرستن تا کسب درامد
عکاس اندرو بیراژ (Andrew Biraj)
Seventeen-year-old prostitute Hashi embraces a Babu, her “husband”, inside her small room at Kandapara brothel in Tangail, a northeastern city of Bangladesh. Many young and inexperienced prostitutes have “lovers” or “husbands” who normally live outside the brothel, occasionally taking money and sex from them in exchange for security in this male dominated society. She earns about 800-1000 taka daily ($9.75 - $12.19) servicing around 15-20 customers every day. Hashi is one of hundreds of mostly teenage sex workers living a painful life of exploitation in the brothel.
Hashi shows Oradexon at Kandapara brothel in Tangail. Oradexon, a steroid used by farmers to fatten their cattle, is taken by prostitutes in order to gain weight and appear “healthier” and more attractive to clients.
Eleven-year-old Shefali gets her eyebrow threaded. Shefali was born in Kandapara brothel as her mother was also a prostitute. She has to serve around 20-25 customers per day. Shefali doesn’t know how much she earns as her Madam takes away all of her income. In exchange she gets food three times in a day and some gifts occasionally.
Nineteen-year-old Lucky embraces her three-month-old son Riyad at Kandapara brothel in Tangail.
Hashi and her Babu.
Feet belonging to Hashi and her Babu.
Sixteen-year-old Maya applies lipstick in front of a customer inside her room at Kandapara.
Hashi stands in front of her small room.
Hashi talks to a customer as Maya waits to get a customer.
A customer jokes with Hashi as she tries to grab him into her room.
Hashi deals with a customer as Maya waits to get one.
Hashi smokes a cigarette before she serves a customer.
Maya waits for a customer.
Maya drinks from a pot after lunch.
Maya stands in the doorway of her room.
A portrait of a child is seen on the wall of Hashi’s room.
Twelve-year-old Mukti applies makeup before serving a customer at a brothel in Faridpur.
Prostitutes apply makeup as they try to attract customers inside a brothel in Faridpur.
Fourteen-year-old Lipi waits for customers at a brothel in Faridpur.
A prostitute stands in front of a makeshift brothel by the river Padma in Faridpur.
A view of a prostitute’s room at a brothel in Faridpur.
An open common toilet is seen at a brothel by the river Padma.
Maya talks on the phone inside her small room at Kandapara brothel in Tangail.
Hashi washes her hair.
Andrew Biraj / Reuters
Hashi stands in front of Kandapara brothel.
Hashi applies her makeup as she prepares for customers.
Hashi talks with a customer.
Seventeen-year-old Nazma rests inside her small room with her child at a brothel in Faridpur, located in central Bangladesh.
Kandapara brothel in Tangail is one of 14 official brothels in Bangladesh. It consists of more than 800 small rooms, which together make up what is in essence a prison for around 900 sex workers.
Seventeen-year-old prostitute Hashi is one of those workers.
Hashi embraces her 'husband' in her room. Many young and inexperienced prostitutes have 'lovers' or 'husbands'. They normally live outside the brothel, occasionally taking money or sex from the girls in exchange for security.
It is common practice among prostitutes to take drugs like Oradexon — a steroid used by farmers to fatten their cattle — in order to gain weight and appear “healthier” and more attractive to clients. The drug can be found at any tea or cigarette stall around the brothel. No one needs a prescription to buy it.
Oradexon brings more income but leaves dangerous side effects. It increases the appetite, causes weight gain and makes poorly nourished teens appear healthy and older - attracting clients who prefer girls with "curves".
A customer jokes with Hashi as she tries to pull him into her room. With rates as low as 50 taka (60 U.S. cents), the need to attract as many customers as possible is desperate.
Maya also works in the brothel. Her son Halim, a four-year-old child, lives with her parents. She cannot save money for him as she has to pay off bills and debts.
Eleven-year-old Shefali, a prostitute, gets her eyebrow threaded. Shefali was born in Kandapara brothel because her mother was also a prostitute. She has to serve around 20-25 customers per day. Shefali doesn't know how much she earns as her Madam takes away all of her income. In exchange she gets food three times a day and, occasionally, some gifts.
"The young sex workers of this brothel must serve at least 10-15 customers each day"
The evening was quieter than in hectic Dhaka. The gentle breeze of spring surrounded the cold atmosphere of the small town of Tangail, in the northeast of Bangladesh. A short walk through a calm neighbourhood took me to a place that looked similar to any of the country’s slums.
The bright tungsten lights of grocery shops and the high volume of Bangladeshi pop music from the tea stalls mesmerised the whole area. Between these stalls, the alleyways on the other side of wide drains were dark. Following my fixer I suddenly found myself inside one of these narrow lanes, where young girls with heavy makeup and colourful clothes were lined up. The girls of different ages, though mostly teenagers, tried to draw the attention of men by laughing, chuckling and pulling their hands.
The neighbourhood, which consists of around 100 buildings with more than 800 small rooms, is one of the 14 official brothels of Bangladesh. But in essence it is a prison for around 900 sex workers.
The young prostitutes in this brothel must serve at least 10-15 customers each day. Being a “Chukri’ or bonded girl, they are bound to follow the orders of their Sardarni (house owners, who were prostitutes themselves before and purchase girls to run their businesses).
“When I first took a customer; I didn’t realise what was going to happen. He raped me again and again. It was bleeding severely and I was crying. I didn’t have any idea what sex is,” said Hashi, who has been working as a prostitute since she was 10.
“I used to serve customers one after another during the whole day. I don’t know how many, but I guess I had to serve around 20-25 customers in a day. I found at least four to five customers waiting in front of my room after waking up in the morning,” said Hashi inside the brothel.
Hashi cleaned some small fish as she prepared dinner. She didn’t get any customers that whole day. I noticed that despite her age, physically she looks mature.
It is common practice among prostitutes of Kandapara brothel to take steroids like Oradexon — used by farmers to fatten their cattle — in order to gain weight and appear “healthier” and more attractive to clients. The drug can be found in any tea or cigarette stall around the brothel. No one needs any prescription to buy it.
“Six to seven years back my Sardarni forced me to take a tablet; I didn’t know that was a drug. She said, I have to look more healthy and beautiful. I first rejected her offer. She beat me up and stopped giving food. She threatened me and reminded me about my loans.” Hashi told me inside her small, packed room.
“Four years ago my Sarderni left me as she needs young girls to run her business. But I have no choice to go back to normal life anymore. I have a four-year-old son. I gave him to one of my relatives. I can’t even go to see him for last couple of years.”
“In this brothel customers always look for healthy girls. I take Oradexon. I need customers to pay my bills and repay my loans. I hope to save some money for my son. If I don’t get customer, how can I survive? I have to pay 6,600 taka ($8-.48) rent for this small room. Every evening debtor knocks at the door for money. If I don’t get any customer in a day, I cannot eat in the next day.”
According to research by ActionAid, sex workers between 18 and 25 years of age are most prone to taking the drug Oradexon as they need to attract clients and entertain them in the way their competition does. The drug’s side effects include headaches, chest pains, skin rashes, gastric, swelling of the body, stomach aches, high blood sugar and pressure.
Shipra Gowshami, a lawyer and human rights activist, who has been working with the sex workers of Faridpur for a long time said, “Steroids are a life-saving as well as a life-destroying drug, which is used by sex workers in poor countries very desperately. Lack of awareness, easy availability and malpractice of quacks are the prime causes.”
As I roamed around the brothel seeking an opportunity to portray their situation through my camera, Maya, a sixteen-year-old sex worker welcomed me in her tiny room. She offered me food, and became surprised when I accepted her offer. Sex workers are treated as untouchables in the conservative Muslim society of Bangladesh.
For the last eight years, Maya has been working as a prostitute at Kandapara brothel. She earns about 300-500 Taka per day ($0.85 – $1.22) serving around 15-20 customers every day. Maya’s four-year-old son Halim lives with her parents in another town, Barisal. Maya can’t save enough money for her child as she has to pay a lot of bills and is in debt.
“When I was under my Sardarni, I didn’t know how much I used to earn, because my Sardarni took away all my income. In exchange she served me food three times a day. For me, that was enough. I couldn’t tolerate the pain of hunger,” Maya said.
“But when my Sardarni left me, I was all alone and couldn’t even eat properly during the day. I was drying up, there was no glow in my face. I noticed my number of clients was decreasing. I started to take back the medicine just to survive.”
“After taking the drug Oradexon, I found myself very fresh. It increased my appetite and I started feeling more hungry. I feel more proud in myself.” Sitting in Maya’s room, I found several mouse holes in the floor.
“I couldn’t save even a single paisa for myself or for my son. I need more clients to raise my son. In this atmosphere of my shattered room, no clients want to visit. I weep silently every night. I weep for myself, as I don’t see any future. I weep for my son, as I rarely meet him,” said sixteen-year-old Maya.
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